Hello friends and family. I am excited to let everyone know about the re launch of Natural Soul this month. It was all a bit unexpected but glad things have worked out the way they have. I love helping people to feel better and Reflexology has so many benefits for any and every ailment. The main benefits of Reflexology are reducing stress and helping your body heal itself when it is in a complete state of balance (Homeostasis). I am now in a beautiful new therapy room (excuse the handbag and bubblewrap - my lovely friend Tina @mimsyart bought my amazing print) at Carter's barber shop in Bellevue Road and love having my own space to practice the art of Reflexology. The shadows in the room are caused because I also use a Sad Lamp which imitates the full spectrum of natural daylight to make you feel brighter and happier especially in these coming dark winter months.

I want to develop Natural Soul so it is a place for deep relaxation and serenity in our busy lives. Even if you want to just drop in (obviously let me know) for a coffee and a chat you are most welcome. I love new beginnings and can't wait for January to plan the next chapter in my life, including supporting all my lovely existing clients and new ones to follow. My number is 07900193566 and would love to hear from you. My email is sue@suecartergadd.co.uk and you can also find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/naturalsouluk/ and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sue.c.gadd Looking forward to hearing from you all soon
Have a wonderful Christmas time and a very Happy New Year to you. Thank you to my lovely clients new and old for supporting me.